Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Bora Bora Outline - 840 Words

Melissa Martinez Topic: Bora Bora General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the class about fun things to do in Bora Bora. Thesis Statement: Fun things to do and attractions to visit in Bora Bora. Organizational Patterns: Spatial Pattern Introduction I. Attention Getter A. Im pretty sure everyone wants to visit somewhwere they can call paradise, I know I do and the place I would love to visit one day is Bora Bora. II. Central Idea: Im going to share with you fun things you can do while on your trip at Bora Bora. III. Credibility Statement: I never heard of Bora Bora untill I watched Keeping up with the Kardashians as they took a family trip there and they did many fun things I would like to try. IV. Preveiw:†¦show more content†¦2. Coral Garden After your tour of Bora Bora you go to the Coral Garden for snorkleing. You get to interact with many tropical fish. And whats nice about it is that your tour guide takes amzing photos of you and who ever you go with and give you a copy of your pictures in a CD. 3. The Aquarium During the second snorkeling tour, located on the south of Bora Bora, you will swim in the middle of a natural pool of turquoise and clear water and be surrounded by hundreds of tropical fish. It is the famous aquarium of Bora Bora. 4. Reef and Motu During the tour, you will stop in a beautiful bay surrounded with hundreds of coconut trees and discover the untouched nature of the motus. Your guide will take you for a short walk through an endemic thick forest. From there you will reach an unspoiled beach covered with white sand and corals facing the ocean and the island of Taha’a. The experience will finish wit h a short walk on the unique reef of Bora Bora. Transition: There are other ways to look at tropical fish such as looking at them by a submarine. II. Bora Bora Submarine A. Dive and cruise in total immersion along the outer side of the Bora Bora barrier reef. Down at 100 feet, you get to discover the reef and its nearly 700 species of tropical fish.Show MoreRelatedShort Story Essay1705 Words   |  7 Pagescarved stone and landed lightly on the walkways tiles, mosaics that shone dully in what little light penetrated the gloom. The figure emerged from the shadows and moved lightly across the tiles. Then it paused, listening, a static outline against the night, before sliding again into the darkness and vanishing, a ghost mist a grey dream. A deep oppressive silence filled the corridor at one end of which squatted a riveted steel door, the single portal for the protected Read MoreRemodeling Societies in the Middle East2224 Words   |  9 Pagesrhetoric against Jews. 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